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What is Spiritual Accompaniment?

 Spiritual Accompaniment comes from the diverse ancient tradtions of what is commonly known in America as Spiritual Direction. Spiritual Direction is a term that has had many different meanings for different people at different times in different cultures all over the world. The tradition is old and in the Christian tradition we see the first signs of it dating back as early as the 4th century with the desert fathers soon after the institutionalization of the religion in the Roman Empire. Early Christians began to leave their cities and communities to find silence and solace in nature where they could pray and live quietly listening to God. We see the form of spiritual direction even sooner - in the gospels themselves as Jesus uses the non-directive approach engaging with his followers and by using  exquisite questions that act like fertilizer for the soul. It's for this reason that the term "spiritual direction" can sometimes be misleading, partly because the primary method in spiritual direction practices is the same non-directive approach of the attentive question. The confusion around the term "direction" is why I refer to my practice as Spiritual Accompaniment.


The reasoning behind at the non-directive approach is a foundational belief that the Divine is working in every individual, drawing that person towards God (Divine Love/Christ/the Great Spirit/Universal Truth/Grounding of Being). The non directive approach spiritual companions engage in consists of active listening and a constant awareness that Spirit is at work in every individual. As spiritual companions it is our privilege to gently and mindfully accompany you along the spiritual journey. As we listen we reflect without judgement on what is noticed. A spiritual companion works to keep the sacred story of your life in focus even when most difficult. Spiritual companions help explore how what you may be experiencing today is connected to that your own sacred story.


Spiritual companions act as a holy container for your thoughts, ideas, yearnings, and stories and when desired can offer insights and suggestions to move into deeper relationship with God and Mystery.

In my practice of spiritual direction I welcome, celebrate and honor all spiritual, cultural and religious backgrounds  as well as those of the LGBTQ+ and GSM community (Gender and Sexual Minorities). Everyone is welcome here.

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  • What do I do in my session?
    In session the explorer shares about their experiences, life and/or relationship with God (as much or as little as they feel safe to share). Because we believe that we are all spiritual beings anything that is in the realm of life is appropriate to discuss. Divine Love is at work in everything! 💜
  • How often do we meet?
    Typically, spiritual companionship sessions are monthly. This frequency may be tailored to individual needs and schedules. The time between sessions is where growth and movement occur and so most sessions are held at a minimum of 3-4 weeks apart (monthly).
  • What can I expect in my session?
    Your spiritual accompaniment session maybe one or a series of conversations aimed at helping you listen for the movement and of God (Your Higher Poweror Divine Love... for brevity I will use the term God) in your life. As spiritual companions we receive special training in the art of listening, we work to use excellent communication skills with those we sit with. We have worked and continue to develop deep understanding of the many of the ways God has communicated with people (and people with God) throughout history. This work includes knowledge of Holy Scriptures, of church and history along with and the wisdom of mystics, of spirituality and psychology. This deepening understanding of our relationship with the Divine also includes studies of world religions and various traditions and cultures creating a diverse picture of God's work in humanity.
  • What if I am not religious but want spiritual accompaniment?
    You are welcome into spiritual companionship! No spiritual director or companion worthy of the title will push you to affiliate with any particular religious tradition. Spiritual accompaniment is about listening to your sacred story, not pushing you one way or another towards our own. If you find yourself in direction with someone who is judgmental or pushy, get out immediately. Spiritual accompaniment is about freedom of being, not conformity. In addition, if God-language or religious terminology turns you off, tell your spiritual companion - they will do their best to use language that fits your experience.
  • How is this different from Counseling or Therapy?
    Imagine Life Experience as a Cave. If we want to get out of the cave we call a counselor, if we want to explore the cave with a flashlight and go deeper into discovery and knowing, we call a Spiritual Companion. Spiritual accompaniment differs from counseling primarily in its focus: the intention in spiritual direction is not to solve a problem, rather to look for Divine activity within any problems and life experiences. Counseling is primarily concerned with relationship dynamics and problem solving. We go to counseling to learn coping skills to help with anxiety or to facilitate cognitive changes in behavior. Spiritual accompaniment also focuses on relational dynamics, but it's primary relationship concern is that with Divine Love (God or your Higher Power). Spiritual accompaniment is about growing in your inner life and spirituality. We often encounter God in our problems and this can allow pain to be resolved. Accompaniment is not meant to replace other helping disciplines such as pastoral care or psychological counseling, therapy or mentoring. Spiritual accompaniment is also not for discipleship or proselytizing (converting). Spiritual companionship invites you into deeper relationship with Divine Love in the midst of whatever you are experiencing not exclusively in a religious setting. It is designed to compliment rather than compete with these other vital forms of self care. If you are currently in therapy both the therapist and the spiritual companion should be made aware so that they can collaborate in their care.
  • So what exactly happens when we meet?
    Depending on what is comfortable for you (the direct/seeker/explorer/client I will use these interchangeably but am most comfortable with explorer), we will begin the most meetings by lighting a candle to mark our sacred space. This is acknowledgement that our conversation is not merely a casual chat between friends but a sacred moment of sharing and discovery that is marked by the presence of the Divine Love and our special intention to draw closer and experience more. We may begin the meeting with a few minutes of silence, a brief prayer, poem or quotation. We then sit in silence until the you feel prepared to begin sharing what is on your heart or mind. Sometimes I may begin with a simple question or prompt. As you share, I will be listening, and from time to time ask questions or perhaps make observations. As a Spiritual Companion I work to pace the meeting and keep track of time, I will work to create space around anything in the sharing that seems to be tapping into that loving connection with the Sacred. I will validate and encourage, but will never rebuke, or command, to do so would be a strict violation of our code of ethics. Based on ones’ sharing, or any requests I may make suggestions about spiritual practices or experiences that the directee may want to explore.
  • What if I want to be in spiritual accompaniment, but I’m not sure you’re the person for me?
    That's not a problem! No one spiritual companion is perfect for everyone. You may want a spiritual companion of the same gender, or a person from a certain spiritual or religious tradition. You may prefer a spiritual companion who also has pastoral counseling training or who is also a licensed therapist. There are lots of different spiritual companions out there. I encourage you to meet with several before choosing one. Check out the Spiritual Directors International website for starters. Remember, many spiritual directors do work by phone or zoom so there are many possibilities!
Diverse, Inclusive, Accepting, Welcoming Space for Everyone
Metagem Spiritual Director Training
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